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MISSYOU发布于:2012-4-19 21:39 |原作者: 大巴| |来自:飞特会员投稿文章
浙江省 嘉兴市 
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简介: 本教程向FEVTE的朋友们介绍利用maya打造逼真车子玩具,教程制作步骤介绍的很详细,不过是英文教程,阅读时需要下一番功夫,希望教程对朋友们有所帮助! ... ... ... ... ...

now for the pinhead and wheelhub shaders. notice that we are using a mental ray dgs material for the wheel hubs to achieve the chrome look weare looking for. duplicate the pinhead shader and change the color to red to create the second pinhead in our scene (fig.12 – 13).

we have all the shaders in place! make sure you have a couple of objects in the surrounding area to be reflected in the wheel hubs and the chassis. be sure that castshadows, receiveshadowsandprimaryvisibility are turned off so that they do not render or give shadows in our scene.

and now we can move on to the final stage!

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, wheel, chrome, fig.12 maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, texturing, fig.13

srender passes and composition :

you can use mayas render passes function for the diffusematerialcolor, reflection andspecularnoshadow passes. you will automatically get a master beauty. i suggest separate renders for the remaining passes. see fig.14 for the layers used.

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, occlusion, reflective, beauty, bump, specular, passes, fig.14

you will want to render out several masking layers to have as much control over your image as possible. for that use a white surface shaderfor the parts you want to mask and a black surface shader to hide everything else in the scene. once you have all the passes separated youwill have more control over the different parts and effects in your image (fig.15).

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, alpha, map, texture, fig.15

you can now open your .tiff files in photoshop and with the help of the different blendingmodes, level-curveadjustments and your masks you will be able to create the final image.

tips: look at you master beauty and think about what you would like to improve. ask questions like:

    is the image too bright/dark? (play with the levels/curves).are the colors popping out enough? (play with the contrast and intensity levels).are the shadows strong enough? (apply a mask and adjust with a blending mode)

    once you have the right questions you can apply the right answers to adjust your image.
    this part is where you as an artist decide the final quality.

    best of luck (fig.16)!

    maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, final, render, fig.16

FEVTE编注:更多 MAYA建模教程讨论交流和MAYA建模作品提交请进入飞特论坛三维作业板块,地址:https://www.fevte.com/forum-54-1.html




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