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MISSYOU发布于:2012-4-19 21:39 |原作者: 大巴| |来自:飞特会员投稿文章
浙江省 嘉兴市 
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简介: 本教程向FEVTE的朋友们介绍利用maya打造逼真车子玩具,教程制作步骤介绍的很详细,不过是英文教程,阅读时需要下一番功夫,希望教程对朋友们有所帮助! ... ... ... ... ...

you are almost done with the chassis. work with the different smoothing groups, num pad 1-3. now you will be able to see where you need to add edges to keep the shape of the cab (fig.04).

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, boleans, cutout, fig.04

there are now only three parts left to model now, the pinhead, wheels and cab-top. the settings are as follows:


subdivision axis/height: 20wheel:

subdivision axis/height: 10
subdivision caps: 2cab-top:

subdivision depth: 2

the pinhead is simply a sphere; delete the bottom part and extrude the edges down. for the wheels you need a cylinder with two caps. selectthe inner faces and extrude out to create the wheel-hub. the cab-top isa cube; extrude the side face to follow the chassis contour. work only with one half of the cube and duplicate when finished with the shaping of the cab-top.

and were done with the modeling process (fig.05)!

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, final, base, mesh, fig.05

scene setup lighting :

select a camera angle and make a bookmark. this enables you to alwaysgo back to your original car pose when rendering. i encourage you to use the layers to hide/show object in your scene to optimize your workflow (fig.06).

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, texturing, parts, model, fig.06

for the scene set-up, you need a bright background. skip any hard edges and use a white lambertshader with a high diffuse value. create two side doors on each side of the cab and use a black surfaceshader. also create a top door above the cab to reflect the light downwards and use a white surfaceshader. do not forget to go under renderstats for each door and uncheck castshadows, receiveshadowsandprimaryvisibility. this is done to focus the spreading of the light (fig.07).

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, lighting, shading, fig.07

lightning placement and render settings :

we will work with mental ray, global illumination and final gather. since we want to see that is actually being rendered in maya we need to do a gamma correction. follow the suggested settings and then place the lights according to fig.08 – 09.

maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, render, settings, fig.08
maya打造逼真车子玩具 飞特网 MAYA建模教程karina, moreno, torres, toy, streamliner, car, childrens, toys, settings, render, texture, fig.09




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浙江省 嘉兴市 
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