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deman发布于:2012-3-21 14:15 |原作者: 飞特信息采编-张薇| |来自:网络
云南省 昆明市 
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简介: 本教程向FEVTE的朋友们介绍maya金属材质制作教程,教程介绍的很不错,同样介绍制作金属材质的教程飞特上也有,朋友们可以对照着学习一下!
once he have in our sourceimages folder a few textures to start defining the object, we test its behavior over itself. in this step it's important the way the textures wraps the object, that is, if that texture covers the object as a cloth (connected to a 2d placement node)orif its projected over it (connected to a 3d placement node).

maya金属材质制作介绍 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光 for a quick texturing, it will be enough to map the color attributes, diffuse, bump and specular power. if the material is metalic, it will be necessary to map the specular color too. every texture of the material will be conected to the same placement node, in such a way that when moved it will affect all of them. if we choose the texture correctly, it will be enough to moveorrotate the placement nodeup to reach the desired effect, mainly when there is no problem because the texture is tiled.

maya金属材质制作介绍 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光 once the texture takes the shape we decide over the object, we fine tune the material attributes by retouching the texture image in photoshop and pressing the reload button of the file node.

maya金属材质制作介绍 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光 this process becomes very interactive, in such a way that attributes as luminance, saturation, hue, curves, levels and so one are done in a moment, without using any other maya node. trough iprorrender we can localize the detail of certain textures over the objects, so from photoshop we can remark them and improve them.

maya金属材质制作介绍 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光 using photoshop clone stamp tool we can vary the textures, duplicating interesting details in an organic wayoreven, creating new textures from other.

maya金属材质制作介绍 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光 some times we will have to create different placement nodes so the same material will be suitable to various objects. a smart way to do so is through a switch, which allows the same material to have specific placements to each object. another option, in case we don't have much time, is to repeat the shading group and apply it to each object, changing the placement with no need of extra connections. in this way less work is required and the integration is worst in the hierarchy of the scene.

maya金属材质制作介绍 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光 once the shot is ready to be rendered definitively, we must pay special attention to the render globals variables. by activatingornot 3d motion blurorraytracing can make the final result vary very much, that's why it's recommended to make decisions about these variables from the beginning. one of these variables, which is fundamental and usually not is the multipixel filtering, which can soften excessively the rugosity of our materials ( bump and specular) losing the required sharpness in occasions.
maya金属材质制作介绍 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光

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