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MAYA 7.0制作人的皮肤阴影教程(英文教程)

夏雪发布于:2012-3-9 22:25 |原作者: 飞特信息采编-张薇| |来自:网络收集整理
辽宁省 鞍山市 
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简介: 本教程向FEVTE的朋友们介绍利用MAYA 7.0制作人的皮肤阴影的方法,教程是英文教程,如果想要学习一下的话还需要下一番功夫,教程介绍的方法很不错,希望对朋友们有所帮助! ... ... ...
这是一个MAYA7.0制作人体皮肤材质的英文教程;学习MAYA英文是基础,因此我们对这个教程不再翻译。大家凑活着看一下。 This could be the single biggest hurdle in realistic cg since Gouraud shading...
...as for me, I've been wrestling with this since -95. Like many others, I've been extremely frustrated by it, mainly cause until about -00 very few knew much about it, and no one could answer my questions. So -99 I found my own home-made method, a pragmatic approach that sidesteps simulation. (When we have the software and the power to do nice simulating, of course we should, but until then this kind of 'kludgy' approach might serve ok.)
My terminology is astronomy-based, because it's clearer and more concise:
Dayside = where light hits
Nightside = where light doesn't reach
Terminator = the transitional zone between night and day
Disclaimer: I mention Maya a few times, because that's what I use, but very similar effects can be achieved in any other high-end 3d software.
Pardon the crappy geometry, but I had to rapidly make big changes to the original face due to unforeseen copyright issues - sorry.
Faking Translucency

MAYA 7.0制作人的皮肤阴影教程(英文教程) 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光

FEVTE编注:更多 MAYA教程讨论交流和MAYA作业提交请进入飞特论坛三维作业板块,地址:https://www.fevte.com/forum-54-1.html

Starting from the beginning - as we all know, if you use a plain Lambert and put a skin-colored texture in the color channel, you end up with something like this: the "Copper Zombie". We see it in many beginner's work, and still today in game graphics, since they often use quite simple shading.
The skin is a horrible dead greenish-gray in the shadows, and a metallic orange in the highlights - a bit like a corpse touched up with copper-tinted makeup.
So we need to make the nightside warmer, and the dayside cooler. Also, from observing real skin, we can see that the terminator needs to be even warmer than the nightside. (Warmer in this case means more orange/red, and cooler means more blue.)

My first efforts used the ambient or incandescency channels to create some Global Warming - making the whole head redder. I sometimes even tried making the color channel and spec channels bluish. But this is of limited usefulness - when you get the terminator as warm as it must be, the nightside is too red, and the dayside too bright.
So leave the ambient like this, maximum saturation but a fairly low value. It's ok, better than the corpse, but still not very realistic.

MAYA 7.0制作人的皮肤阴影教程(英文教程) 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光

Here's where it gets fun. Take a cartoon-shader - doesn't matter which one, as long as it can give you simple control over which color ends up where, and you can get rid of the sharp edges between the colors. (We're not going to use any outline function, just the flat-shading function... except not flat.)
The shader I use here takes its color info from a ramp (in Maya, just switch the interpolation to 'linear' or'smooth' instead of 'none'). The original cartoon shader I use came from Tom Kluysken's 'Maya Queen' site, and has been attributed to Duncan Brinsmead and Michelle Borghi - it's still here (in Tutorials).

MAYA 7.0制作人的皮肤阴影教程(英文教程) 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光

Here's the network in Maya for the translucency-fake (cartoon-shader):

MAYA 7.0制作人的皮肤阴影教程(英文教程) 飞特网 MAYA材质灯光



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